International Economics
Biofuel Subsidies and International Trade, with Subhayu Bandyopadhyay and Sumon Bhaumik, Economics and Politics, 25(2), July 2013, 181-199.
Cross-Border Lobbying in Preferential Trading Agreements: Implications for External Tariffs, with Subhayu Bandyopadhyay and Sajal Lahiri, Review of International Economics, 20(5), November 2012, 1034-1045..
Ethnic Networks and Trade: Intensive vs. Extensive Margins, with Cletus C. Coughlin, Economics Letters, 113, October 2011, 73-75.
Oligopoly and Outsourcing: A General Equilibrium Approach, with Subhayu Bandyopadhyay, Review of Development Economics, 14(3), August 2010, 433-446.
Is There Too Little Immigration?: An Analysis of Temporary Skilled Migrants, with Subhayu Bandyopadhyay, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 17(2), 2008, 197-211.
Ethnic Networks and U.S. Exports, with Subhayu Bandyopadhyay and Cletus Coughlin, Review of International Economics, 16(1), 2008, 199-213.
Policy Evaluation in the Presence of Outsourcing: Global Competitiveness versus Political Feasibility, with Subhayu Bandyopadhyay, Economics and Politics, 19(2), July 2007, 219-234.
The Determinants of Aid in the Post-Cold War Era, with Subhayu Bandyopadhyay, In S. Lahiri (Ed.), Theory and Practice of Foreign Aid, Emerald, May 2007. Reprinted in Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, 89(6), November/December 2007, 533-47.
Controlling for Heterogeneity in Gravity Models of Trade and Integration, with I-Hui Cheng, FRB St. Louis Review, 87(1), January/February 2005, 49-63.
Endogenous Export Subsidies and Welfare Under Domestic Cost Heterogeneity, with Subhayu Bandyopadhyay and Eun-Soo Park, Economics and Politics, 16, 2004, 347-366.
NAFTA and the Changing Pattern of State Exports, with Cletus C. Coughlin, Papers in Regional Science, 82(4), 2003, 427-450.
NAFTA and the Geography of North American Trade, FRB St. Louis Review, 85(2), March/April 2003, 13-26.
Has Japan Been Left Out In the Cold by Regional Integration? Bank of Japan, Monetary and Economic Studies, 20, April 2002, 117-134. Reprinted in FRB St. Louis Review, 84(5), September/October 2002, 25-36.
Reconsidering the Trade-Creating Effects of a Currency Union, with Michael R. Pakko, FRB St. Louis Review, 83(5), September/October, 2001, 37-46.
Gravity-Model Specification and the Effect of the Canada-US Border, FRB St. Louis WP No. 2000-024A.
Customs Union or Free Trade Area? The Role of Political Asymmetries, with Subhayu Bandyopadhyay, Review of International Economics, 7(4), November 1999, 665-672.
Using the Gravity Model to Estimate the Costs of Protection, FRB St. Louis Review, 81(1), January/February 1999, 33-40.
Human Development and Income Growth in Developing Countries, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 10, Spring 1996, 207-210.
Pro-Competitive Tariffs, with Ivette Jans, Birkbeck College Discussion Paper 96-07.
Is a Military Really a Luxury Good? An International Panel Study of LDCs, Applied Economics, 28, January 1996, 41-44.
The Allocation of Official Development Assistance, Journal of Policy Modeling, 17, June 1995, 307-314.
Protectionist Reputations and the Threat of Voluntary Export Restraint, with Ivette Jans and Govind Hariharan, Review of International Economics, 3(2), June 1995, 199-208.
Estimating Aid-Allocation Criteria with Panel Data, with William N. Trumbull, The Economic Journal, 104, July 1994, 876-882.
An Evaluation of the United Nations‘ Human Development Index, with Arnab Acharya, Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, 20, April 1994, 51-65.
The Non-Equivalence of Specific and Ad Valorem Tariffs with Quality-Differentiated Goods, Journal of Economic Integration, 9, March 1994, 80-93.
Protection and the Product Line: A Comment, International Economic Review, 33, November 1992, 973-976.
Intertemporal Optimization under Threat of VER, with Govind Hariharan, Journal of Economic Integration, 7, Spring 1992, 45-57.
Strategic Export Policy for a Duopoly with Endogenous Quality, West Virginia University WP No. 91-02.
Consistent Conjectures and 'Voluntary‘ Export Restraints, with Xiangqun Chen, West Virginia University WP No. 91-22.
Efficient Quality Specialization and Tariffs in General Equilibrium, International Economic Journal, 4, Winter 1990, 21-34.